| Alpinia galanga(L.) Willd. Zingiberaceae | Aratha | Evergreen forests; mostly cultivated | Rhizhome | Essential oil | Rheumatism,fever, catarrh, diabetes, hepatic disorders |
| Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. Apocynaceae | Ezhilampala | Moist mixed deciduous forests | Stem bark | Echitenine ditamine echitamine echitamidine (alks.) | Vermifuge antidysenteric diarrhoea, ulcer, antidote to snake bite |
| Amaranthus spinosus L. Amaranthacaeae | Mullanchera | In the plains as a weed in paddy fields | Plant, leaf, root | Laxative | |
| Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae | parankimavu | Cultivated and naturalized in coastal areas | Bark, root, nut | Cardol, anacardicacid | Astringent, antidiarrhoeal, nutritive, purgative; leprosy, ulcers |
| Anamirtu cocculus (L.) W. & A Menispermaceae | Polla | Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests | Leaf, fruit | Picrotoxin | Antipyretic, expectorant; rheumatism |
| Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees Acanthaceae | Kiriyath, Nilaveppu | Coastal plains, moist mixed deciduous forests and scrub jungles | Whole plant, 'leaf, root | Andrograp- holoide neoandro- graphotoide (alks.) | Bitter stomachic, tonic, anthelminthic; bacillary dysentery |
| Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. Br.Lamiaceae | karimthumpa | Moist mixed deciduous forests | Whole plant, leaf | Alkaloid; essential oil | Antipyretic; rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrah |
| Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) Walp. Rubiaceae | Kadampu | Semi-evergreen forests, especially along the banks of rivers or streams | Stem bark, leaf | Active principle similar to cinchotamic acid | Febrifuge; astringent, antidysenteric |
| Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.)Lesch. Moraceae | Maravuri | Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests | Latex, seed | Antiarin, antiaresin, toxicarin | Febrifuge, antidysenteric |
| Aphmamixis polystachya (Walt.) Parker Meliaceae | Chemmaram | 'Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests | Stem bark, seed | Fixed oil | Astringent, stomachic; rheumatism, hepatic disorders, ulcers. |
| Areca catechu L.Arecaceae | Kamuku | Cultivated | Nut | Arecaine, arec0line (alks.) | Anthehninthic aphrodisiac |
| Aristolochia indica L. Aristolochiaceae | Garudakodi | Semi-evergreen or moist mixed deciduous forests | Root, leaf | Arisolochin(alk.) | Emmenagogue antipyretic; antidot for snakebite leucoderma |
| Aristolochia tagala Cham. Aristolochiaceae | Pathalagarud- akodi | Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests | Whole plant | Bowel complaints | |
| Asparagus racemosus Willd.-Liliaceae | Sathavari | Semi-evergreen and moist mixed deciduous forests | Root | Sarsapogenin | Diuretic, aphrodisia- ntiseptic, antidysenteric; tuberculosis, lepros |
| Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Meliaceae | Vepu | Mostly cultivated, occasionally wild in dry deciduous forests | Bark, leaf, fruit, seed, root | Azadirachtin(alk.) | Bitter tonic, astringent, insectciaon non food plants |
36 | Cassia fistula L.Ceasalpiniaceae | Kanikonna |
Moist mixed deciduous forests,
also in cultivtion
Root bark, seed,
| Astringent, laxative cathartic, febrifuge,purgative; rhemnatism, skin diseases |
37 | Catunaregam spinosum (Thunb.) Tiruvengadum Rubiaceae | Kara, malankara | Moist and dry mixed deciduous forests | bark, fruit | Essential oil saponin Acid resin | Astringent, anthelminthic abortifacient, aphrodisiac, carminative, antipyretic; rheumatism, puhnonary infections,ulcer, leprosy |
39 | Centella asiatica (L.) Urban Apiaceae | Kudakan, Kudangal | In wet marshy places through out the plains and also in secondary forests | Whole plant, leaf | Asiaticosidehy drocotylin(,alks.) | Alterative, memoryenhancer, brain tonic,skin diseases, leprosy,tuberculosis |
40 | Cinnamum verum Presl.Lauraceae | karuva, Vayana | Evergreen forests | Bark | Essential oil | Aromatic, astringent, eugenol carminative, stomachic; nausea, vomiting, bilicosinous, diarrhoea, heart diseases |
41 | Cissampelos pareira L. Menispermaceae | Malathangi | Moist mixed deciduous forests and scrub jungles | Root, leaf | Scepeerine bebeerine cissampeline (alks.) | Diuretic, purgative, stomachic antidiarrhoeal; genital and urinary disorders, heart complaints |
42 | Clerodendrum viscosum Vent Verbenaceae | Peruku | In plains and degraded forest areas and plantations | Leaf, flower, root | Clerodin | Vermifuge, antimalarial; tumors, skin diseases, antidote for snakebite / scorpion sting |
43 | Clitoria ternatea L. Papilionaceae | Sankupnshpam | Moist mixed deciduous forests, also cultivated in homestead gardens | Whole plant, root, root bark, seed | Fixed oil, tannins and resins | Purgative, cathartic, diuretic, laxative; antidote to snakebite |
44 | Coscinium. fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. Menispermaceae | Maramanjat | Evergreen forests |
Root, wood,
| Berberine saponin | Bitter tonic, stomachic, antiseptic diabetes, anaemia, ophthahnia, antidote for snake poison |
45 | Curculigo orchioides Gaertn Liliaceae | Nilappana | Senti-evergreen, moist deciduous forests and high altitude grasslands | Rhizome | Alcohol, tannin, starch | Diuretic, aphrodisiac. demulcent; piles, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, .jaundice skin diseases |
46 | Curcuma aromattica Salisb. Zingiberaceae | Kasturimanjal | Cultivated | Rhizome | Essential oil | Ionic, carminative; scabies, eruption of small pox, improving skin complexion. |
47 | Curcuma longa L. Zingiberaceae | Manjal | Cultivated, very rare in wild | Rhizome | Curcumin (alk.) essential oil | Antiseptic, anthehninthic, carminative: sprains and wounds |
48 | Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.)Rose. Zingiberaceae | kachurikizhangu | Cultivated and naturalized | Rhizome | Essential Oil | Stomachic, diuretic,stimulent, carminative, antiseptic; bruises and pains |
49 | Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Convolvulaceae | Akasavalli, Moodillathali | In the plains,mostly in dry mixed deciduous forests and scrub jungles | Stem, seed | Cuscutin cuscutalin(alk.) | Carminative, anthelminthic alterative, purgative;fever, bilious disorders |
50 | Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thorns. Menispermaceae | Padakizhangu, padathali | Dry and moist mixed deciduous forests and scrub jungles | Leaf, root | (d-Tetradrine dl-Tetradrine iso chondro- dendrine)(alk.) | Sedative, antipyretic; antidysenteric; jaundice, asthma, leprosy |
51 | Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Poaceae | Karuka | Forest plantations and openings in all forest types | Whole plant, root | Digestive nutrients proteins and hydrocyanic acid | Diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric; venereal diseases, catarrah |
79 | Luffa acutangula(L.) Roxb. Cucurbitaceae | Puichenga | Cultivated and naturalized | Fruit, seed | Cucurbitacin.B, D, G & H oleanolic acid | Laxative, purgative; skin diseases, asthma, spleen disorders |
80 | Madhuca indica Gmel.Sapotaceae | lrippa | Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests | Flower, bark | Saponin | Astringent, tonic, apetizer, piles |
81 | Madhuca Iongoiblia (Koenig) Mc Bride Sapotaceae | 'Nattilippa | Bark, flower, seed. gummy, juice |
saponin, essential oil
| Antipruritic, laxative anthelminthic; rheumatism, skin diseases | |
82 | Mallottts philippensis (Lam.) Muell - Arg. Euphorbiaceae | Kurangu manjal | Moist mixed deciduous forests, semi-evergreen forests | Leaf, glands and hairs of fruit | Rottlerin, isolotterine, resin, wax | Apetizer, antiseptic, anthelminthic |
83 | Mesua.ferrea L. Clusiaceae | Nagachempakam Churuli Nanku | Evergreen forests | Flower, fruit, leaf | Essential oil | Astringent, stomachic, subdorific. antidysenteric, piles, antidote for snake poison |
84 | Moringa oleifera Lam Moringaceae | Muringa | Cultivated | Root, root bark, stem bark, fruit,flower, seed oil | Moringine moringinine | Stimulant, abortifacient, cardiac and circulatory tonic, sedative, aphrodisiac; hepatic & spleen disorders, rheumatism, dental caries, venereal diseases |
85 | Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel Rutaceae | Curry vepu | Often cultivated in homestead gardens | Stem bark, root, leaf | Koenigin, essential oil | Stomachic, antidysenteric, febrifuge |
86 | Myristica malabarica Lam. Myristicaceae | Kattujathi | Evergreen forests, Myristica swamps | Seed | Essential oil | Analgesic, indolent ulcers |
87 | Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Nelumbonaceae | Thamara | Fresh water bodies | Flower, seed, root, leaf | Nelumbine(alk.) | All parts cooling, astringent, anthelminthic cardiac tonic; leprosy and other skin diseases |
88 | Nilgirianthus cilittts (Nees) syn. Bremek. Acanthaceae | Karimkurinji | Tropical evergreen forests | Leaf, root, seed, bark |
| Diuretic; gout, lumbago; pain killer, jaundice, dropsy, rheumatism gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea |
100 | Quisqualis indica L. Combretaceae | .. | Scrub jungles, highly naturalized | Seed | Quisqualic acid | Anthelminthic |
103 | Salacia reticulata Wight Hippocrataceae | Ekanayakam |
| Root bark |
| Gonorrhoea, rheumatism and skin diseases |
104 | Santalum album L. Santalaceae | Chandanam | Dry mixed deciduous forests | Wood, bark | Oil from heartwood santalenes, betulic acid [3-sitosterol, fatty oil, triterpinoid from bark | Cooling, alexiteric, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic; headache, skin diseases, gonorrhoea urithritis |
105 |
Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd.
Occasional in evergreen forests;
Bark, flower
| Tannin-catechol | Anti inflammatory antidiabetic; menstrual disorders, leucorrhoea, piles, scabies |
106 | Semecarpus anacardium L;|Anacardiaceae |
| Moist mixed deciduous forests | Nut, bark | Anacardic acid cardol, catechot anacardol |
rheumatism, venereal
and skin diseases. |
107 | Sida cordifolia.L. Malvaceae |
| Dry mixed deciduous forests and secondary forests | Root bark, seed,whole plant | Alkaloid identical to ephedrine | Spermatorrhoea, dysentery, gonorrhoe tetanus, Ieucorrhoea, facial paralysis |
108 | Spilanthes calva Asteraceae | Kuppamanjal | In wet areas of plains and waste places | Flower, seed | Spilanthol, sterol | Pungent: toothache, salivation, anaestheti for slammering in children in Western India. Dysentery |
109 | Stereospermum colaris (Dill.) Mabb. Bignoniaceae | Pathiri | Moist mixed deciduous forests upto 1300m alt. | Root, leaf, flower |
| Febrifuge |
110 | Strychnos Nux Vomica L. Loganiaceae | Kanjiram | Moist and dry mixed deciduous forests | Root bark, leaf, seed, wood | Strychnine brucine, loganin' | Nervine tonic, stimulant; ulcers, epilepsy, dysenteric fever, dyspepsia, col (poisonous in excessdoses) |